Log price increase

Over the last six months, log prices have increased, particularly on red oak.  Many landowners have waited out the recession in hopes that prices would come back.  Higher log prices and strong demand for firewood and chips during this period of high oil prices mean that now is a great time to revisit your stumpage estimates on forestry projects.  Contact us for more info at 508.963.2070 or tjepsonandson@gmail.com

Here is the most recent stumpage survey posted at UMass Extension’s website (thanks Paul Catanzaro and Dave Kittredge).



Invasive Species

Invasive species are a huge problem throughout the US.  Here in Massachusetts, we are dealing with infestations of plants, animals, and diseases, but as land managers, it’s the plants that we find a nuisance.  Japanese barberry, oriental bittersweet, multiflora rose, and burning bush (to name a few) have heavily infested some forested properties.  Often, these species are spread quickly by birds take advantage of any available growing space in the understory.  These species prevent the desirable development of native forest species, including valuable timber species.

What can we do?  The first step in controlling invasive species is to identify them and devise a plan of action.  Actions should include removal by hand tools and/or herbicide treatment.  For extensive infestations, professional assistance may be necessary.

The following is a link for information in detecting and identifying invasive species in MA:


The following is a link for financial assistance through Natural Resource Conservation Service:


For additional info contact us at 508.963.2070.


Massachusetts Forest Alliance

The newly formed Massachusetts Forest Alliance has just posted its new website.  The organization has absorbed the Massachusetts Forest Landowners Association, Massachusetts Wood Producers Association and the Massachusetts Association of Professional Foresters.  The Alliance will provide a unified voice for these groups in strong support of a sustainable forest economy.

The last five years have been a troubling time in Massachusetts in regards to governmental support for forestry and a unified voice will help us to be heard at the state level.

Find the Massachusetts Forest Alliance at massforestalliance.org.  Landowners, harvesters and foresters should join for a strong voice in support of property rights and sustainable forestry!